Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Sh*t word and more.....

Every Friday we go out to dinner with Matt's family. Last night we all went to Denny's and afterwords, Matt and I decided to go over to his parents house. It's been a while since we've really just sat down and visited with them. Well, Gavin pooped and it smelt horrible. While Matt was changing Gavin's diaper he looked at Gavin and said "Wow, you made a huge poop", and Matt's mom replied "No, he made a big sh*t", and in the sweetest voice ever Gavin replied "sh*t"? We all started laughing so hard because it was really funny because it was so unexpected. It was so unexpected that it should have been expected!! Thanks mama Root for doing your part to expand Gavin's vocabulary!! I was hoping to keep those words out of his vocabulary for a while longer but I guess it was bound to happen!! =)

The other word that seems to be Gavin's favorite word is "NO". I ask him to say please and he shakes his head no or will say no. He'll give me a kiss though, so I will take a kiss over please for now. He says Thank You!! He's very good and very consistent about saying Thank You. He will say Hi to everyone and he'll say bye bye. My favorite is when he goes up to people and starts tickling them and he will actually say tickle tickle tickle tickle....! I can't even begin to list all the words that Gavin says. He says a lot of words. Hi, bye bye, mama, dada, papa, mimi, gama (grandma), wa wa, cookie, tree, lights, all gone, pree (pretty), pree lights, blankey, peas (please, when he does say it), thank you, Rachel (sounds more like eachey), baby, Emma, ball, dog, kitty, and I know I missing more but it's really hard to remember them all!! =)

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