Sunday, March 13, 2011

Car Troubles...

For a long time Matt and I have been a one car family. When Matt's grandfather passed away unexpectedly in September, we inherited his '99 Buick Le Saber. What a blessing. It was great to have a second car and one with four doors... not just two. Well, this car has been such an incredible blessing, but it's getting on my last nerve. It was running great and then all the sudden one night it wouldn't start. My fault... I left the ash tray open when charging my phone. I left the ash tray open before and I never had any problems. The battery and the alternator died and after letting the car run for about an hour we finally got it to not die when taking our foot off the gas. It drove fine after that, no problems... UNTIL... Matt took Gavin for a drive because he needed to fall asleep but wouldn't. All of the sudden he said the oil light came on, the car started to over heat and he barely made it into the driveway. So lucky it didn't break down on the freeway with Gavin in the car! Turns out a hose off the radiator came off. My husband and my sisters boyfriend fixed it and the next day Matt replaced the liquids. Not even three weeks later my car won't start. After having driven it all day long with no problems, I go to get in it and it doesn't start. All that happens is that the lights, air, and radio turn on with the ignition clicking. My sisters boyfriend who's great with car work, and my brother-in-law who thankfully works at Napa (family discounts), thinks it's my starter! What the heck!! Why does my car keep breaking down? We can afford to buy a new car, but why buy a new car when we don't have too. Ugg.. it's so nice to own two cars and now we may possibly have to trade it in. I don't know what will happen, but I swear if this car goes on the fritz one more time we will be having to break down and trade it in.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day....

Sooo.... it's been a while since I've posted a new blog! I forget I have this thing.... (Like, anyone really reads this anyways. ;)) 

I had a pretty wonderful Valentine's Day. Gavin and I started out our day like normal. Wake up, eat breakfast, clean up, and get ready for the day. Gavin had some Valentine's cards he needed to deliver so in the car we went. Our first stop was Frontier Middle school to see Mimi. She was very surprise when Gavin walked through the door. He loves his Mimi but since there were a few kids around her desk he wasn't so sure. Once Mimi called him over he went running to her. He handed his Mimi his Valentine's Day card that was for her and Papa and gave her a big hug and kiss. He saw a few other adults in the office that he recognized that he seems to be fond of. There was even a pretty blond girl hanging around my mother in laws desk in the office and Gavin REALLY liked her. He kept going up to her and wanting her to hold him. He's so funny. He loves older women and if they're blond then that's even better. He's had a type since he was about 7 months old. =)

After that we went over to my mom's house. My mom had just has surgery on her neck on the 10th and I hadn't been over to see her since she returned home on the 11th. He was excited to see his Bestemor. He was excited to give his card to her too. Bestemor gave him a wonderful card with a small box of chocolates that contained three pieces of candy. We had a nice visit and I'm glad my mom is doing a lot better than we expected. 

Afterwards, Gavin and I went to Safeway to pick up some last minute things for dinner. I was so happy I went to Safeway instead of going to Harvest foods. I ran into two friends I hadn't seen in a way. Makes me wish I was better at being more outgoing to see friends. Afterwards, I was starving and knew I couldn't wait until dinner so I stopped by Taco Time to grab something small to tide me over. However, I didn't find out until the next day that the lady at the window never gave me back my card. I called and they said it wasn't there. It wasn't in my wallet, diaper bag, or anywhere else in my car. I went in today and told them they still had it and they told me they couldn't find it. The wonderful lady at the drive thru stole my card. Still waiting to see if any charges come up on my account that I didn't make. Card is canceled and I should be getting my new card in about a week. Hopefully! 

After I got home, I got Gavin down for a nap. Ate my food and started to prepare dessert. Strawberry shortcake. Weight watchers friendly too. Got the strawberries chopped and in the fridge to chill. About 30 minutes before Matt got home from work I started preparing the veggies. Asparagus, zucchini, squash, onions, and garlic. Chopped up some red potato's and seasoned them with some Citrus Basil rub. Oh man... it was so yummy. However, I don't think anything could have tasted better than the T-Bone steaks Matt cooked on his brand new grill. Everything tasted so amazing and I'm so happy that I bought Matt that grill for Valentine's day.  Such a great investment.

Now, Matt and I opened our gifts on Friday the 9th. This is because Matt (and Gavin) bought my gift and put it in the trunk of my car. He told me not to look in the trunk but he also had mentioned he might take my gift with him to my brother in laws house so I wouldn't get curious and peak. Well, my sister in law Mandy and I were at my mother in laws house dancing our buns off to Just Dance 2. Gavin was getting cranky and it was getting late and so I thought it was time to get going home. I had to take Mandy home since Matt and Chris went back to Chris and Mandy's house to watch a movie. We go to get into my car and it won't start. Great.... I forget completely about the gift and I go to grab my jumper cables and there was a CD player for my car. (Yes... my car only had a tape deck) Matt paid for the CD deck and even scheduled the install for me. How amazingly wonderful! It was such a wonderful gift. I've had the car for four months. I inherited it when Matt's grandfathers passed away. Four months of dealing with crappy radio stations.

I bought Matt a video game for his PS3, a nice BBQ grill, and a $50.00 gift card to Starbucks. I scored on the BBQ grill. Matt picked it out because since he's the one that will be grilling I felt that he should tell me what he wanted. He happened to pick one of the nicest ones that we could find at Walmart. So, you know our selection was awesome. However, the one that Matt wanted was on sale for $75.00 and they only had one left. 

Gavin got a cute little stuffed dog, but he was more interested in playing with his card and pretending to read it then he was in his dog. Such a cute and silly boy. So.. there was our special day. I hope you all had a pretty enjoyable day and hopefully no ones debit cards were stolen other than mine! =)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years and Resolutions...

New Years is a time of celebration, to say goodbye to the old year, put everything behind us, and start fresh with a whole new year. I'm personally excited about 2011. I can feel it in my bones that this year is going to be an exceptional year! Gavin and I spent our new years at my brother and sister-in-laws house. My mother and father-in-law were there too. Matt had to work so he couldn't be there to celebrate with us. It was a wonderful night. 

Today, was the day that I kicked off my new years resolution the right way. Of course, I've chosen the cliche and dreaded diet resolution. It's not that I'm starting a diet because I'm really not, it's more along the lines of me going to the gym and changing my eating habits. No more fast food and no more soda pop. I've ordered the Biggest Loser Cookbook. so I can start cooking healthier meals for Matt and I. I know how to not eat healthy but I don't really know how to eat healthy. I want to change that. When Matt and I moved back to Moses Lake, I started cooking with Jenny-O ground turkey. Matt and I enjoy it a lot more than hamburger. Though, that doesn't mean that the meal was still healthy!! It's hard when you're so trained to eat crappy food. Well, I'm changing that!!

Tonight, I went to the gym with my friend Heidi. She pushed me hard and I seriously wished someone would just come in a put me out of my misery. How did I get like this? When did I get so fat and out of shape? It's not because of Gavin. I weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant with him, so I can't blame Gavin. I can only blame my bad food choices and not exercising!! Heidi and I started out on the treadmill. The treadmill and the elliptical have this neat picture of a track field on the screen. So, when we started out on the treadmill we briskly walked around the track once, jogged around it once, and then briskly walked around the track one more time! We then went and did some stretching, ab work outs, and a few arm work outs. We then went to the machines did more, arm and ab work outs before we headed to the elliptical. We walked forwards on the elliptical around the track once, backwards around the track, and then forwards again. I really felt the burn there!! Especially, when we went backwards. Total we walked briskly/jogged 3 miles. I completed my first 2 hour workout on the first day of my resolution! I'm starting out the right way!! I'm excited. Even though my lungs still hurt and my legs still feel like jelly, I can't wait to get back to the gym!! =)

So, here are my measurements. This is completely embarrassing and I'm ashamed of my weight and the fact that I let myself get this way, but I have to own up to what I've done to myself. I'm not proud of what I've done to myself but I know with hard work I can get healthier and begin to love myself again! 

January 1, 2011 Stats:

Weight- 246.0
Bus-: 51 inches
Waist- 46 inches (upper waist above my hips)
Waist around belly button: 52 inches
Upper Arm: 15 inches
Upper Thigh: 26 inches

I will have my friend remeasure me in about 4-6 weeks. I don't know how often you're suppose to measure yourself but I will do it again when it's time and I will blog again about my new measurements! Wish me luck!! =)