Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years and Resolutions...

New Years is a time of celebration, to say goodbye to the old year, put everything behind us, and start fresh with a whole new year. I'm personally excited about 2011. I can feel it in my bones that this year is going to be an exceptional year! Gavin and I spent our new years at my brother and sister-in-laws house. My mother and father-in-law were there too. Matt had to work so he couldn't be there to celebrate with us. It was a wonderful night. 

Today, was the day that I kicked off my new years resolution the right way. Of course, I've chosen the cliche and dreaded diet resolution. It's not that I'm starting a diet because I'm really not, it's more along the lines of me going to the gym and changing my eating habits. No more fast food and no more soda pop. I've ordered the Biggest Loser Cookbook. so I can start cooking healthier meals for Matt and I. I know how to not eat healthy but I don't really know how to eat healthy. I want to change that. When Matt and I moved back to Moses Lake, I started cooking with Jenny-O ground turkey. Matt and I enjoy it a lot more than hamburger. Though, that doesn't mean that the meal was still healthy!! It's hard when you're so trained to eat crappy food. Well, I'm changing that!!

Tonight, I went to the gym with my friend Heidi. She pushed me hard and I seriously wished someone would just come in a put me out of my misery. How did I get like this? When did I get so fat and out of shape? It's not because of Gavin. I weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant with him, so I can't blame Gavin. I can only blame my bad food choices and not exercising!! Heidi and I started out on the treadmill. The treadmill and the elliptical have this neat picture of a track field on the screen. So, when we started out on the treadmill we briskly walked around the track once, jogged around it once, and then briskly walked around the track one more time! We then went and did some stretching, ab work outs, and a few arm work outs. We then went to the machines did more, arm and ab work outs before we headed to the elliptical. We walked forwards on the elliptical around the track once, backwards around the track, and then forwards again. I really felt the burn there!! Especially, when we went backwards. Total we walked briskly/jogged 3 miles. I completed my first 2 hour workout on the first day of my resolution! I'm starting out the right way!! I'm excited. Even though my lungs still hurt and my legs still feel like jelly, I can't wait to get back to the gym!! =)

So, here are my measurements. This is completely embarrassing and I'm ashamed of my weight and the fact that I let myself get this way, but I have to own up to what I've done to myself. I'm not proud of what I've done to myself but I know with hard work I can get healthier and begin to love myself again! 

January 1, 2011 Stats:

Weight- 246.0
Bus-: 51 inches
Waist- 46 inches (upper waist above my hips)
Waist around belly button: 52 inches
Upper Arm: 15 inches
Upper Thigh: 26 inches

I will have my friend remeasure me in about 4-6 weeks. I don't know how often you're suppose to measure yourself but I will do it again when it's time and I will blog again about my new measurements! Wish me luck!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go girl! I think in some ways, as dancers, we got screwed. We stayed so active in High School with our two to three times a week classes and then after you graduate, where do you go? We were so used to dance and nothing else ever really fit in. I did find a studio close to us that does adult classes and I'm going to see about starting that. Though, I think a run on the treadmill wouldn't hurt either.
